Presentation Instructions

Lecture Presentations

The duration of a presentation slot is 18 minutes. You will have 15 minutes for the presentation itself and 3 minutes for questions from the audience.

A projector and computer (Windows 10, MS Powerpoint & Adobe Acrobat Reader) will be available in the session room for regular presentations.

Preparation of Visuals:

  • PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU MUST BRING A MEMORY STICK CONTAINING YOUR PRESENTATION FILE. Files can be uploaded to the local PC in the lecture room during the break between sessions or at the beginning of the day. To avoid software compatibility problems, speakers are advised to EMBED ALL FONTS in your Powerpoint file AND bring a backup PDF-version of your presentation.
  • Speakers should arrive to the session room 15 minutes BEFORE the start of your session to report to the chair person.

General Considerations:

  • Consider limiting the number of words per visual to no more than 20.
  • Leave space, at least the height of a capital letter, between lines of text.
  • All fonts, including that on graphs, should be 18 point or larger.
  • Graphs and charts should have bold lines and symbols that contrast sharply with the background.

Poster Presentations

There will be a large number of posters presented during the conference. Your poster should be hung at the start of the day of your presentation and removed at the end of the day.

The placement of your poster will be marked on the panel, where it will be presented with the number of your poster contribution. A poster layout will be available to assist you in finding the placement of your poster onsite. Look for your number in the conference program.

The size of the poster panel that is available to each presenter is 6ft wide x 4ft tall.

You are free to choose a single poster (or many smaller posters) that fit on the given panel size.

Your posters will be attached to the panel with push pins, which will already be available on the panel. If you need more pins, please contact the registration desk. After you have removed your poster, please leave the pins on the board.

Poster Layout